Edmonton Zone Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

A listing of the health services available in the Edmonton Zone for child and adolescent mental health patients. For information about social services for child and adolescent mental health patients, please visit ab.211.ca.

Community Assertive Services

Referral Pathway

Internal Alberta Health Services referrals are accepted from the following Children, Youth (Adolescent) & Families Addiction & Mental Health programs: AMH CYF Crisis Service, Stollery Children’s Mental Health Emergency Team, CYF Acute Units, Stollery Outpatient/Urgent Psychiatry, PChAd & Stabilization.

Description of Service

A client centered program that provides assertive outreach, case management and intervention for children, youth, and their caregivers, who are struggling with serious mental health and addiction challenges and complex psycho-social stressors. CAS serves children and youth ages 3 to 17 who need a higher level of outreach, case management and intervention than can be provided in a more traditional outpatient or community clinic setting. It is intended or children/youth who score a level 4 or higher on the CALCOUS.

Hours / Contact Information

Phone: (780) 644-3642

Hours: M-F 8:00-4:30 pm


Patient Cost
